S3 Ruby

The Rubies Sparkle, With A Same Desire, To Be The Shiniest, Among All Minerals. Rubies Found, Across All Continents, The Molecules Stick Together, Forever...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Homework of the Day 27/2

PE VO2 Max. Test on Monday. Theory Test on Wednesday.
Additional Math Special Angles Homework and Uncompleted Classwork.
Geography: Prepared in doing the project.

Excursion Note: Hansika, Rebecca, Ke You, Hilary, Elizabeth, Vince and me... are supposed to photocopy their passport and/or Visa and submit it to Mr Ng on Monday. Hand in the payment if you haven't done so.

PS: Byebye MR NG. (:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Homework of the Day 26/2

Biology: Do the Biology worksheet previously given out.
Chemistry: Chemistry Bonding Test on March 11
Physics: Experiment Investigation Aim, Hypothesis, Variables etc. // Wikispace Project

More works from http://www.mrtyrrell.com/.

Thank you all for voting. Due to tight schedule, poll would be closed today. Results would be tallied and second round of voting begins next week.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Homework of the Day 25/2

PE - Work and do the weight lifting thingy during lunch to see the RM or something...
History - Read and do notes for: Disarmament pg 119; Rearmament pg 120-121; Question 1-3 pg 125
Math - TB Qns pg 327 Qn 4-7
Remember to hand in English homework by tomorrow.
Remember to hand in Geography homework by Friday.

BTW, more work to do on www.mrtyrrell.com. ><

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Homework of the Day 24/2

Geography Homeworks to be handed up by Friday: 1) Hand-Out of Ecosystem Table; 2) 2 Paragraphs on what would happen when 2 abiotic changes takes place. Do the same for biotic; 3) Website worksheet (4 Qns); 4) Workbook; 5) Website Quiz and 6) read the links/watch the movie on the Site.
English - Describe the 1st meeting of Romeo and Juliet or the scene at the window. You may draw a manga, comic strip etc, or write a song, modern adaptation etc.

Lesson Outline:
Geography - Ecosystem and the Yarn Experiment... answer some question.
Chemistry - Ms Fong not here. Free Period.
Math - Went through some Bearings question and went through test paper. Other time, pretty free.
English - Ms Johnson was late for class so we had some free time. Talk about the Poems handout and the task.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Homework of the Day 23/2

Another flood of emotions, washing people's 'happy' away from their faces... Only 'sadness' engraved on the tired, worn out, face. Have you been emotional lately? Or rather, 'emo'? Tell you what, it happens to teenagers most of the time. You can't run away from it, nor can you hide from it. But you can put on a mask on your face and let your worries and sorrows lock up in your heart, sucking up every centimetre cube of oxygen you take in. You struggle. It's futile. Useless. The 'emo' in will never fade away from you unless you release these frustrating, upsetting, irritating emotions you boxed up in your heart. So, get the key to open up your heart and spill out the feelings - those uncomfortable feelings. You are letting te emo get in your way from having a joyful life that you ought to have. The key to your heart: 1) Friends; 2) Families; 3) Teachers; 4) A serene place (for you to cry it all out or scream it out); 5) A blog, journal, diary or whatever you can scribble down your feelings. Don't loose yourself in feeling 'emo', you just need to rattle on all your thoughts out to a confidante, a good friend or relative. Stay happy people!!!

PS: I have no idea why I wrote this here... ><

Anyways... Homeworks:
English - Do the homework given out last lesson because Ms J didn't check today and you may do the questions on he R&J (optional), the one given out on our first lesson with her.
Physics - Create Wikispace on how to keep your home warm/cool, due in 2 weeks.
PE - Bring your FITT paper next PE lesson...Good job everyone!!!

Thanks for your spontaneous participitatio in the poll. We would end the poll as soon as we struck the 30th vote. 2nd round of voting begins in a week's time from the 3oth vote, due to tight schedule. Thanks people!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gentle Reminder To All

Mr Riyaz reminded Damien to remind the class to bring your proper P.E. Attire on Monday for PE Lesson. So, bring your proper PE Attire. Thank you.

Mr Tyrrell have put up the work on the website. Please download and complete: http://www.mrtyrrell.com/sec%203%20ecosystems.html

Tomorrow, Assembly would be replaced with English lesson and Assembly would be shifted to the last period on Friday. So, please bring your English study materials, i.e. Romeo and Juliet, Excercise Book and your English File with your homeworks.

Voting of the Covers

Every vote counts. Make a wise decision because this would be the cover you decided for our book. Feel free to comment and make suggestions. We need a minimum of 30 votes from anyone, teachers, students, friends from other countries etc. For covers making use of Photobucket, we would contact the owner of the photograph if possible and acknowledge him/her, OR we would acknowledge the owner through Photobucket. Thank You.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Be Kind. Be Grateful. Be Engaged.

Lend your helping hand to these people in need. Be kind. Donate money. Donate food. Pull them out of their crisis. Be engaged - engaged in all forms of community service, community invovlement program etc. That includes protecting our natural environment and natural habitat as well. Trees are cut down every now and down, animals such as bears, tigers etc. are losing their home. Save these animals. Trees are burnt down, due to the environment due to global warming and more CO2 are produced, it's not just saving our environment, we are saving our home, our future, ourselves. Helping the people in need help us in a way too, it bring us happiness... and you'll have a smile on your face everyday. Be grateful for what you have now, we are very lucky to ba able to go to school, use a Nokia handphone, wear branded clothes...

The below sites are recommended for you to help out the community in a free and easy way. You can do more by donating to charity organization such as Red Cross etc. and helping out at the old folk's home...

From Hilary's Blog:
Recommended by a friend of mine:
Recommended by Min Yen:

The Reveries committee are thinking of making use of the sell of the book and donating the profits to charity organizations. We will discuss the details with Ms Johnson when we have completed up to a certain stage. Refer to the blog for more information.

Do your part in recycling paper or plastic: You can do so at home or in school. In S3 RUBY, walk to LOCKER NUMBER 25 AKA KE YOU's LOCKER, and PLACE ANY RECYCLABLE PAPER OR PLASTIC AT THE BOX. PS: Mr Llyod and Ms Fong requested not to dump any laminated paper into the bin, those with shiny, shiny, bling, bling surface... and any other stuff... Only paper or plastic bottles. Thank you, and thanks Ke You for donating the locker. =D

Homework of the Day 20/2

Math Textbook Questions on Bearing: Refer to the worksheet for the questions, recommended to do all
Geography: Check Mr T's website for assignments; Worksheet on ecosystem; Assignment on writing a paragraph to discuss the effect when one of the 2 chosen factors from the abiotic/biotic were altered, eg, more rainfall in a particular area > flood > plants die > microorganism die
English Question, discussing on Romeo's reluctance to attend the Capulet's masked ball, giving textual evidence; Find out the characternym of your name.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Homework of the Day 19/2

Biology Research as Notes, include referencing: 1) The name of the enzyme in yeast that is involved in respiration; 2) What is alcohol? Name the alcohols. What are the properties of alcohols?
Biology Experiment Write-up (or re-doing the write up)
Biology: Consider and Answer: What reasons can you give for the process of fermentation stopping after a 24hour or 48hour period?

Vote people!!! There's only 11 votes when there's 17 people in the class, excluding myself.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Homework of the Day 18/2

History - Read and take notes for pg 97-100 and answer questions on pg 100

Lesson Outline:
PC - Self revision for Math test or Free time
English - Romeo and Juliet Act 1.3
PE Theory - Excercising and stuff... Information given that will assist you in the Physical Training Program
History - Nazi Germany Notes and going through the homework previously
Math - Test. Tough Test.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Homework of the Day 17/2

Homework and Reminder:
Geography - Check website for questions. Workbook page 89-93.
Math - Remember to revise for the Matrices and Trigonometry (Up till Area of Triangle) Test tomorrow
English - Answer the following question with evidence from text: Describe Rosaline from Romeo's speech. For the list of questions, fill up the answer as you read R&J and read R&J up till Act 1.3 for next lesson. Bring an excercise book for English lessons and file with a coverpage/

Lesson Outline for the Benefit of the Absentees with Appropriated Reasons(LOBAAR):
Geog - Did dome questions with regards to "system" before diving into ecosystem.
Chemistry - More on ionic bonding.
Math - Matrics and Trigo Revision
English - Continued with R&J.

Get Your Vote On...

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Reveries Editing Committee Announcement

To those in the Reveries Editing Committee:
Poems are received today. Anna and Elizabeth will lead the Editing committee not involving in the Photography shooting for the book cover and formatting in selecting the finest poems (or the finer poems) and we would then go into editing. Work begins this week. Due next week. Anna and Beth will arrange everything... Hansika and Wei Cheng will be in charge of cover shooting and formatting of book. We would choose the finer covers and we would begin voting hopefully by this week, we are behind schedule. Dateline for the whole project, including having the book published and if possible, the CIP idea as mentioned previously, is by the last week of April. May and June would be used for studying for the exams.

Please go on to: http://thereveriesonline-ssis.blogspot.com/

Thank you.

Homework of the Day 16/2

Homework & Reminders:
History - Copy Tables on Page 96 of Textbook and label rule on Pyramid of HATE.
Physics - Worksheet 8a-c of Workbook. Wikispaces on "How to insulate houses". For more info on creating Wikispaces, go to: http://www.wikispaces.com/
PE - Stay in class next lessofor more theory. Prepare to make a 6 week Physical Training Program thingy...
Biology - Complete worksheet up to page 4 minimum. Explain in detail for those question requiring you to explain.

PS: Welcome back Ms Rosalene!!! And Rebecca!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

FYI: White Day's coming...

ホワイトデー Howaito dē

As Gi Jun mentioned, and was so excited about... White Day is coming...

White Day is a holiday celebrated on March the 14th, more widely celebrated in Japan, much like Valentine's Day.

In Japan, on Valentine's Day, the female are present their gifts, usually to a male. And on White Day, it's the male's turn. Usually when the male received "Chocolates of Love" or "Chocolates of Courtesy", they return the favor by giving gifts back to the girl, usually cookies or white chocolates... or stuffed animals... or jewelries...

White Day was first celebrated in Japan in 1978, started by the National Confectionery Industry Association as a day to reply to Valentine's Day.

Source: White Day. 15 February, 2009. Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Day

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valetine's Day: Spread the Love

Spread the Love. Send the Chocolates. Blow a Kiss. On Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Homework of the Day 12/2

Physics Workbook Worksheet 8a, including 'Challenge yourself' section.

Lesson Outline:
Biology - Ms Rosalene is still unwell, will come back next week.
Chemistry - Went through more of ionic bonding in class
Physics - Went theough the centigrade scale and calculation of an unknown temperature using the physical properties.

For the next PE lesson, we will stay in class for theory lesson.
No school tomorrow due to Parent-Teacher Conference. Make good use of your time revising etc. :)
Math test next Wednesday.
Sign the Report Book/ Report Card or whatever you call it...


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Homework of the Day 11/2

English Character Tree - Fill in the character traits for each individual character

Lesson Outline:
PC Period - Mostly Free Time, Mr Ng talked a little bit on the MYP Assessment
English - More on Romeo and Juliet Act 1.1
PE - Fitness Test with regards to the Cardio System. Run the tracks in 12 minutes. Step ups witin 3 minutes...
History - All sweaty, we entered the History class 20minutes late and we did the test. Mr Clare did a synopsis of 'The Purges' Essay
Maths - Disuss homework questions on previous post

The Reveries Book Meeting for selected committee members:
Remember to meet at 12.10pm after your lunch @ 2nd level outside the Admin. Office for photograph taking. Visit the website too!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homework of the Day 10/2

Math H/W Ex11d Q13, 17, 18, 19
English: Prepare English file (NEW) and do up a Romeo and Juliet cover page.

Lesson Outline:
Geography - Discussion on the economy crisis weare facing now. Buy more stuff, it'll help the economy a lot by keeping the factories running, the company running, then there be more jobs for people and happily ever after...
Chemistry - Lesson on ionic bonding
Math - Lesson on Cosine Rule
English - Review to previous lesson for the benefit of the absentees. Go into part of Romeo and Juliet

Dear all,
This blog has been running for the benefit of all of you students from S3R. Damien had recently told me to delete this blog, give a chance for all of you to be independent learners. However, I don't think I have the necessity to delete the blog... I know you all are senior enough to understand what I mean so be independent people! :) Don't completely rely on this blog... I mean if you unintentionally forget to note down the homework or miss out something, it's fine!
From Wei Cheng
PS: I am not doing this blog for you all. I do this blog for myself as well, reminding me of what to do, reflection on the day's work etc.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Homework of the Day 9/2

History "Open Notes" test on Wednesday pg 88-95, which means you have to take notes for these pages

Lesson Outline:
History - Gone through textbook page 95 (vital for test) and gone through the pyramid of something...
Assembly - Ms Chua talk to us about character values and link to theft and classroom cleanliness whereas Ms Por talk to us about the excursion and PTC and learning thingy...
Physics - We designed our own creative thermometer
PE - OMG So tiring... we run laps after laps to see how fit we are... 3 Cheers to Vince, Ke You, Damien, Luwee, Elizabeth, Jessica... and the better ones... :) Passing stage 4 is considered as fit and the highest reach is... stage 9-10
Biology - Ms Rosalene was hospitalized, God bless her, hope she get well soon. Mr Benedict Ng took over the class. We had to do a stack of worksheets to be done only in class. Clear up classroom a bit and recycled the paper. Save the Earth people!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Darfur Is Dying

Experinece their pain, their suffering... Darfu Is Dying is an educational game, letting all of us know how terrible life they are going through right now. Fin out ways you can help them by going on to darfurisdying.com, links are available at the Navigations Bar. :)

Thanks Min Yen for the recommendation.

Free Rice.com

You have a heart, a charitable heart. Go to Free Rice.com and play the educational games ranging from English Vocabulary, Grammer, Geography, Art, to Basic Math and Other Languages such as Italiano, Espaneol etc. Each question you get correct, the sponsor will donate 10 grains of rice to the people in need. End Hunger and at the same time, Be Educated. :)

Who's Your Valentine?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh Ya...

Farewell to Andres... He left SSIS already as confirmed by Mr Ng, Mr Tyrrell etc. It was rumored that he had stolen a car and escaped to Germany to hide from the grasp of law... pretty amusing...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Homework of the Day 6/2

Math Test 18/2: Matrices and Trigonometry (Chp 1o and 11 - Up to Trigo Ratio Area of Triangle)
Math TB Ex 11c pg 312 Q1, 3, 10, 14, 17, 19
IT: Submit your coloured and shadowed Mickey Mouse next lesson, Graded. Remember to bring a notebook, USB Drive/USB Stick/Thumdrive. You may want to download a free trial version of Photoshop for use @ http://www.adobe.com/downloads/ > Photoshop
Geography Notes Textbook page 151-160
English: Read Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet and go through questions on worksheet

Lesson Outline for the benefit of the absentees:
Math: Started on Sine Rule and did some of the classwork
Chinese: Go figure.
IT: Learnt/Reviewed the Photoshop basics. Mini Graded Assignment: Colouring a Mickey Mouse with different layers and creating a shadow. Reminded to have a USB Drive and to take down notes every lesson as there will be paper tests.
Geography: Those absent before the holidays did the test and the rest did the notes. Each individual get to know their marks of the test on the Tuesday before the holidays.
English: Ms Johnson give out some handouts. Absentees please collect these notes from her. Introduced to Rome and Juliet and linked to other subjects, such as genre: drama, plot, climax etc.

Security Update:
Please take care of your belongings, theft occured in the Sec 4 class again. The suspect who shall not be named was being interrogated by Mr Paul Llyod. The suspect had entered our class and searched somebody's bag and was caught in action by Luwee today and this is his 2nd time being caught in our class.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Homework of the Day 5/2

Physics Workbook Worksheet 8a Qns 1-2
Biology Experiment Report - 1) Write-up: Dependent Variables + Controlled Variables 2) Data Table 3) Answer the following question: If another set up X was left overnight at 10 degrees Celsius, what do you expect to occur to the balloon size? 4) Answer the following question: If your setup were left for 12 hours and then 3 days, what do you expect the balloon to look like at each measurement time? N/B) Give the Science

This is due Monday.

Those absentees would have a NA on their report card for this component.

Lesson Outline for the benefit of the absentees:
Biology: Labwork on yeast + sucrose + water
Chemistry: Lesson on Ionic Bonding, however, Ms Fong give up teaching us halfway and we went through the Crossword Puzzle
Physics: Lesson on the hottest Physic Topic, Thermal Physics, took notes.
Drama/Music/Art: Go figure out the lesson yourself... ...

Happy B'day Ms Fong :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Back to School Again

Back to school tomorrow... Remember to wake up. Don't play truant, ya!

Music Promotionz

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours MV
Ashley Tisdale new album: Guilty Pleasure with new single preview: It's Alright, It's Ok
Taylor Swift cameo in Hannah Montana: The Movie performing Crazier
Taylor Swift 'Love Story' MV
Ashley Tisdale - It's Alright It's Okay MV
IT'S ALRIGHT, IT'S OK official music video