S3 Ruby
The Rubies Sparkle, With A Same Desire, To Be The Shiniest, Among All Minerals. Rubies Found, Across All Continents, The Molecules Stick Together, Forever...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A very happy labour day to all. It's time to do some labour work... Examination schedules are released on http://connect.ssis.asia.com under the Examinations section. Exams will begin on 9 June and ending on 15 June. Be prepared. MAYDAY!!!
Homework of the Day 30/4
Bio rewriting of report latest due Monday
Bio worksheet
Chem Investigation Report (if you complete the experiment)
Physics S.W.O.T. for Earthquake Topic
Bio rewriting of report latest due Monday
Bio worksheet
Chem Investigation Report (if you complete the experiment)
Physics S.W.O.T. for Earthquake Topic
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Homework of the Day 29/4
english shape poem
history 'saving private ryan' movie worksheet
history text next wednesday
english shape poem
history 'saving private ryan' movie worksheet
history text next wednesday
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
RED Alert.
Swine Influenza news update. Mexico having over 100 deaths caused by swine flu has caused all countries worldwide to raise their awareness in hygiene. The U.S., Canada, Spain, New Zealand, U.K. have the worst cases. We should be aware of the flu as well and we should practice hygiene by washing our hands with soap of pH above 8 before/after we eat, come back from outside, cough into tissue papers etc. and to clean your whole house or whatever... Swine flu could be passed via humans to humans as well, making the human population to be even more vulnerable. Strengthen your immune system, drink more vitamin C products, containing ascorbic acids... Stay healthy. God bless the world and those who were infected by swine flu...
SINE... ... SWINE... ... SINE... ... SWINE... Gah...
SINE... ... SWINE... ... SINE... ... SWINE... Gah...
Homework of the Day 28/4
Geograpy Website Worksheet due Thursday.
Chem Essay due Thursday.
English Commentary on the importance of Act 3.1 due next lesson.
Reveries Fund-Raisng Proposal for Approval and C&S Hours by tomorrow... Reveries meeting tomorrow online at 8pm. We will combine with C&S Self-initiated project - Mother's Day card making for next week's event.
That's all i guess?
Geograpy Website Worksheet due Thursday.
Chem Essay due Thursday.
English Commentary on the importance of Act 3.1 due next lesson.
Reveries Fund-Raisng Proposal for Approval and C&S Hours by tomorrow... Reveries meeting tomorrow online at 8pm. We will combine with C&S Self-initiated project - Mother's Day card making for next week's event.
That's all i guess?
Monday, April 27, 2009
When There Is A Will, There Is A Way...
Never give up, whatever problems you face. When you remember the simple equation: determination + peseverance + confidence = success
Never lose hope in anything. Dare to dream. Dare to fly. Nobody's perfect... everyone's imperfect... accept the fact that we are just human. Emo is just a lie we use to hide ourselves in the dark. We need to stand up by ourselves, have hope, have faith. You can do it. Nothing is impossible. I wish you good luck and all the best in everything you do. God bless you all. :)
Homework of the Day 27/4
You may choose to redo the Biology smoking worksheet by Thursday.
Math WB Qns due today... but...
(pg 103-104 Qn 3, 10, 12 and 14)
IT Investigation due as well... but...
Geography Website Question due today too... hmm...
Check the Facebook Reveries Group Page for more information updates etc. Thank you.
Take care of yourselves... after the bird flu epidemic... the Swine flu is taking over!!! Stupid pigs... grr... Stay healthy!!!
You may choose to redo the Biology smoking worksheet by Thursday.
Math WB Qns due today... but...
(pg 103-104 Qn 3, 10, 12 and 14)
IT Investigation due as well... but...
Geography Website Question due today too... hmm...
Check the Facebook Reveries Group Page for more information updates etc. Thank you.
Take care of yourselves... after the bird flu epidemic... the Swine flu is taking over!!! Stupid pigs... grr... Stay healthy!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Your Body and Health
In the spirit of those annoying, addictive, you-know-you're-reading-them-even-though-you-wish-you-weren't Facebook notes popping up everywhere, Health.com presents its list of 25 random things you might not know about the human body, nutrition and exercise, sex, sickness, and health. Go ahead: Pass it on to your friends.
1. Rinsing your nose with salt water can help keep you healthy and ward off allergy symptoms. Nasal irrigation is a cheap and easy way to find relief if you have spring allergies, nasal congestion, stuffy noses or post-nasal drip, says Dr. Melissa Pynnonen, co-director of the Michigan Sinus Center and an assistant professor in the University of Michigan's department of otolaryngology.
2. Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar. The Pine Street Foundation, a cancer-education and research center in San Anselmo, Calif., published a study showing it was possible to train dogs to identify, based on breath samples, which patients had lung and breast cancer. Now the organization is recruiting ovarian cancer patients and dogs for a new study. In diabetics, the presence of ketones—substances made by the body during the metabolic process—can be smelled in urine and on the breath when blood sugars are high. Dogs can pick up on other smells that humans can’t when glucose levels drop.
3. Researchers at Cornell University found that people who pass through an entryway near the kitchen tend to eat 15 percent more than those who use the front door.
4. You're more likely to have a heart attack on a Monday, or up to three days after you've been diagnosed with the flu or a respiratory tract infection. The risk of dying from a heart attack increases by a third during outbreaks of the flu and related respiratory diseases, found researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The study authors estimate that 90,000 coronary deaths could be prevented a year in the United States if more heart patients simply got a flu shot.
5. You can't get a tan from your computer screen. The Computer Tan Web site was created as a hoax to raise awareness about skin cancer.
6. Obese people spend approximately $485 more on clothing, $828 on extra plane seats, and $36 more on gas each year than their thinner counterparts. Researchers say an overweight driver burns about 18 additional gallons of gas a year. Plus-sized clothing costs 10 percent to 15 percent more than smaller-sized clothes. When it comes to jet fuel, a recent issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicineestimated that the extra weight of obese Americans caused airlines to spend $275 million to burn 350 million more gallons of fuel.
7. Smokers are four times as likely to report feeling unrested after a night's sleep than nonsmokers. Smokers often experience withdrawal symptoms at night, thus causing periods of restlessness and waking. Smokers were also 1.69 times as likely to develop hearing loss than non-smokers, as smoking may affect antioxidative mechanisms or the blood vessels that feed the auditory system.
8. Eating fruits and vegetables may help the human body make its own aspirin. Findings from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistryindicate that study participants who received benzoic acid, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables, could make their own salicylic acid, the key component that gives aspirin its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
9. A 20-minute nap can improve your overall alertness, boost your mood, and increase productivity. William Anthony, co-author of The Art of Napping at Work (Larson Publications, 1999),says the post-nap boost can last for several hours. In addition, your heart may reap benefits from napping. In a six-year study of Greek adults, researchers found that that men who took naps at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of heart-related death.
10. Your kitchen sink is dirtier than your bathroom: There are typically more than 500,000 bacteria per square inch in its drain. The faucet, basin, and sponge are crawling with germs as well. Bacteria colonies with a total population exceeding 50 million can live on a single dirty sponge. And just think—that's what you use to wipe down countertops, forks and drinking glasses.
11. Four out of five doctors in the UK don't work out enough. Heavy workloads, lack of time and poor motivation contributed to the lack of exercise.
12. Baking soda can whiten teeth, garlic can help treat athlete's foot, and honey can soothe a hangover.
13. Using a food diary can double a person's weight-loss efforts. Your food diary makes you accountable to yourself and provides you with clues on where the extra calories are sneaking in.
14. Regular exercise can lower a woman's cancer risk—but only if she's getting enough sleep. The National Cancer Institute followed 5,968 women for almost 10 years, during which 604 of them developed some form of cancer. Women in the top half of physical activity levels showed an approximate 20 percent reduction in cancer risk compared to those who exercised less. For a segment of those women, sleeping less than seven hours per night had a decreased benefit to exercise. Their cancer risk was greater than those who exercised but slept more—but still lower than those who exercised the least.
15.Watching yourself run in a mirror can make a treadmill workout go by faster and feel easier.
16. Third-hand smoke—the particles that cling to smokers' hair and clothing and linger in a room long after they've left—is a cancer risk to young children (and pets).
17. Walking against the wind, in the water, or while wearing a backpack burns about 50 more calories per hour than walking with no resistance. People who wear pedometers also tend to burn more calories and lose more weight.
18. Trained sexologists can infer a woman's orgasm history by observing the way she walks. In other research news, men find women who wear red sexier than those who wear "cool" colors such as blue and green.
19.Foreign accent syndrome and exploding head syndrome are real (but very rare) medical conditions. The American Sleep Association explains that a person with exploding head syndrome experiences a a loud, indecipherable noise that seems to originate from inside the head.
20. Vitamins don't seem to help older women guard against cancer or heart disease.
21. Some men experience pain, headaches, or sneezing as a result of ejaculation. The increased activity in the nervous system during orgasm may be the culprit in triggering headaches.
22. Germ-killing wipes can spread bacteria from one spot to another if you reuse them. Researchers at the Welsh School of Pharmacy at Cardiff University in Wales issued their concern on the use of the wipes in hospitals and the importance of a routine surveillance program in reducing risks of infection to patients.
23. Oatmeal, citrus fruits, and honey can boost your sex drive and improve fertility. Oats produce a chemical that releases testosterone into the blood supply, increasing sex drive and orgasm strength. Vitamin C found in citrus fruits improves sperm count and motility, while vitamin B from honey helps the body use estrogen, a key factor in blood flow and arousal.
24. Twenty-nine percent of Americans say they have skipped filling a prescription due to the cost, and 23 percent use pill splitting as a way to save money.
25. Facebook may be good for your health: Studies show that staying in touch with family and friends can ward off memory loss and help you live longer.
Become a fan of Health.com on Facebook for weekly healthy-living tips and updates.
1. Rinsing your nose with salt water can help keep you healthy and ward off allergy symptoms. Nasal irrigation is a cheap and easy way to find relief if you have spring allergies, nasal congestion, stuffy noses or post-nasal drip, says Dr. Melissa Pynnonen, co-director of the Michigan Sinus Center and an assistant professor in the University of Michigan's department of otolaryngology.
2. Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar. The Pine Street Foundation, a cancer-education and research center in San Anselmo, Calif., published a study showing it was possible to train dogs to identify, based on breath samples, which patients had lung and breast cancer. Now the organization is recruiting ovarian cancer patients and dogs for a new study. In diabetics, the presence of ketones—substances made by the body during the metabolic process—can be smelled in urine and on the breath when blood sugars are high. Dogs can pick up on other smells that humans can’t when glucose levels drop.
3. Researchers at Cornell University found that people who pass through an entryway near the kitchen tend to eat 15 percent more than those who use the front door.
4. You're more likely to have a heart attack on a Monday, or up to three days after you've been diagnosed with the flu or a respiratory tract infection. The risk of dying from a heart attack increases by a third during outbreaks of the flu and related respiratory diseases, found researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The study authors estimate that 90,000 coronary deaths could be prevented a year in the United States if more heart patients simply got a flu shot.
5. You can't get a tan from your computer screen. The Computer Tan Web site was created as a hoax to raise awareness about skin cancer.
6. Obese people spend approximately $485 more on clothing, $828 on extra plane seats, and $36 more on gas each year than their thinner counterparts. Researchers say an overweight driver burns about 18 additional gallons of gas a year. Plus-sized clothing costs 10 percent to 15 percent more than smaller-sized clothes. When it comes to jet fuel, a recent issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicineestimated that the extra weight of obese Americans caused airlines to spend $275 million to burn 350 million more gallons of fuel.
7. Smokers are four times as likely to report feeling unrested after a night's sleep than nonsmokers. Smokers often experience withdrawal symptoms at night, thus causing periods of restlessness and waking. Smokers were also 1.69 times as likely to develop hearing loss than non-smokers, as smoking may affect antioxidative mechanisms or the blood vessels that feed the auditory system.
8. Eating fruits and vegetables may help the human body make its own aspirin. Findings from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistryindicate that study participants who received benzoic acid, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables, could make their own salicylic acid, the key component that gives aspirin its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
9. A 20-minute nap can improve your overall alertness, boost your mood, and increase productivity. William Anthony, co-author of The Art of Napping at Work (Larson Publications, 1999),says the post-nap boost can last for several hours. In addition, your heart may reap benefits from napping. In a six-year study of Greek adults, researchers found that that men who took naps at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of heart-related death.
10. Your kitchen sink is dirtier than your bathroom: There are typically more than 500,000 bacteria per square inch in its drain. The faucet, basin, and sponge are crawling with germs as well. Bacteria colonies with a total population exceeding 50 million can live on a single dirty sponge. And just think—that's what you use to wipe down countertops, forks and drinking glasses.
11. Four out of five doctors in the UK don't work out enough. Heavy workloads, lack of time and poor motivation contributed to the lack of exercise.
12. Baking soda can whiten teeth, garlic can help treat athlete's foot, and honey can soothe a hangover.
13. Using a food diary can double a person's weight-loss efforts. Your food diary makes you accountable to yourself and provides you with clues on where the extra calories are sneaking in.
14. Regular exercise can lower a woman's cancer risk—but only if she's getting enough sleep. The National Cancer Institute followed 5,968 women for almost 10 years, during which 604 of them developed some form of cancer. Women in the top half of physical activity levels showed an approximate 20 percent reduction in cancer risk compared to those who exercised less. For a segment of those women, sleeping less than seven hours per night had a decreased benefit to exercise. Their cancer risk was greater than those who exercised but slept more—but still lower than those who exercised the least.
15.Watching yourself run in a mirror can make a treadmill workout go by faster and feel easier.
16. Third-hand smoke—the particles that cling to smokers' hair and clothing and linger in a room long after they've left—is a cancer risk to young children (and pets).
17. Walking against the wind, in the water, or while wearing a backpack burns about 50 more calories per hour than walking with no resistance. People who wear pedometers also tend to burn more calories and lose more weight.
18. Trained sexologists can infer a woman's orgasm history by observing the way she walks. In other research news, men find women who wear red sexier than those who wear "cool" colors such as blue and green.
19.Foreign accent syndrome and exploding head syndrome are real (but very rare) medical conditions. The American Sleep Association explains that a person with exploding head syndrome experiences a a loud, indecipherable noise that seems to originate from inside the head.
20. Vitamins don't seem to help older women guard against cancer or heart disease.
21. Some men experience pain, headaches, or sneezing as a result of ejaculation. The increased activity in the nervous system during orgasm may be the culprit in triggering headaches.
22. Germ-killing wipes can spread bacteria from one spot to another if you reuse them. Researchers at the Welsh School of Pharmacy at Cardiff University in Wales issued their concern on the use of the wipes in hospitals and the importance of a routine surveillance program in reducing risks of infection to patients.
23. Oatmeal, citrus fruits, and honey can boost your sex drive and improve fertility. Oats produce a chemical that releases testosterone into the blood supply, increasing sex drive and orgasm strength. Vitamin C found in citrus fruits improves sperm count and motility, while vitamin B from honey helps the body use estrogen, a key factor in blood flow and arousal.
24. Twenty-nine percent of Americans say they have skipped filling a prescription due to the cost, and 23 percent use pill splitting as a way to save money.
25. Facebook may be good for your health: Studies show that staying in touch with family and friends can ward off memory loss and help you live longer.
Become a fan of Health.com on Facebook for weekly healthy-living tips and updates.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Reveries: Thank Yous... and Reminders...
Thanks all who helped the Reveries in one way or another, I've sent an email, if you didn't get it, you will know that you are thanked as you are reading the previous line...
Gi Jun: Reveries, Love Reveries, Crush Illustrations due Sunday.
Hansika: 3 Poem photo + 1 cover due Sunday.
ME: Further Edit + Compile everything to PDF by next Sunday. + proposal by today
ALL Volunteers + Reveries member: Fund Raising on Saturday and coming Thursday. (Roles, plan of the venue etc. will be given out a.s.a.p a.k.a the proposal)
Gi Jun: Reveries, Love Reveries, Crush Illustrations due Sunday.
Hansika: 3 Poem photo + 1 cover due Sunday.
ME: Further Edit + Compile everything to PDF by next Sunday. + proposal by today
ALL Volunteers + Reveries member: Fund Raising on Saturday and coming Thursday. (Roles, plan of the venue etc. will be given out a.s.a.p a.k.a the proposal)
yup. another reveries photoshoot. but it's a formal one this time. its like for the back of the book. when we mention who have helped us in the making of the book and how it got to be and everything. like thank you/credit page sort of thing.
so we're taking it on monday. since people are gonna formally dressed already that day.
lunch time.
as soon as lunch begins again pls.
meet in s3 ruby first before heading to the roof top garden on the 2nd floor.
and be formally dressed! thank you :D
people who need/should be there are as follows:
wei cheng
sung jun
ke you
gi jun
min yen
no exceptions people... its a musttt. its really important as we wanna credit you all for your excellent work :D
pls be there! thank you! :]
Homework of the Day 24/4
Math Qns due Monday, Test on Wednesday
IT Investigation and Design part of the report due next week
Geography Website Questions
English Act 3.1 Commentary Worksheet
Now on Facebook!
Math Qns due Monday, Test on Wednesday
IT Investigation and Design part of the report due next week
Geography Website Questions
English Act 3.1 Commentary Worksheet
Now on Facebook!
And join our events on Saturday @ Elite Villa (Ka's Compound) (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=73315847225&ref=mf#/event.php?eid=73454523934) and Thursday @ SSIS (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=73315847225&ref=mf#/event.php?eid=79021646705)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thankk you!
thank you ppl who joined the photoshoot today :D
thank you for supporting it! it was greaaattt. hahaha. and thankk you ppl who came for the reveries meeting regarding the fundraising :]
just a reminder, MONDAY, another photoshoot. formal this time. refer to the earlier post for more details.. but dont 4get! lunch time. rooftop garden. thank you (:
Homework of the Day 23/4
Get ready for the Biology pre-test on Abiotic/Biotic Factors, Trophic level etc.
Chem Essay due next Thursday.
Hand in IT Investigation to Mr Xu via email: fish2001901@163.com.
Georaphy Qns due tomorrow
English Review due tomorrow
Get ready for the Biology pre-test on Abiotic/Biotic Factors, Trophic level etc.
Chem Essay due next Thursday.
Hand in IT Investigation to Mr Xu via email: fish2001901@163.com.
Georaphy Qns due tomorrow
English Review due tomorrow
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
ATTENTION! [reveries]
okay so we need a picture of all the people involved in the making of the reveries book...and everyone in the committee. it has to be a formal picture. so we're taking it on monday.
ppl needed are :
wei cheng! [ofcourse, the HEAD!]
anna! [2nd HEAD/meeting incharge person!]
elizabeth! [editor/secretary!]
hansika! [editor/photographer!]
hilary! [editor!]
jess! [secretary/editor/illustrator!]
vince! [editor!]
theresa! [editor!]
sung jun! [editor!]
ke you! [illustrator!]
gi jun! [illustrator!]
min yen! [illustrator!]
katrina! [liaising with printing company!]
rebecca! [volunteer!]
sarah! [volunteer!]
anddd anyone else who helped in the making of the book.
apologies if i missed anyone out.
more details will be talked about in class on friday and monday.
but just keep ur self free on monday. lunch time most probably. roof top garden. 2nd floor.
thank you.
the people who volunteered for the happy jumping pic... thank you very much :D
tomorrow as soon as lunch starts we're gonna go to the field to click the pic... yeap we're taking the pic on the grass :D
pls remember COLORFUL CLOTHES!
no dull colors please. its a HAPPY PICTURE! :D
jump, laugh and be happy :D
haha. okay anyway, remember to wear the color of the shirt you said you would wear... and pants, up to you just remember NOT DULL. COLORFUL! :D
& apparently jess is gonna bring pocky for the people who join...
plsplspls COLORFUL! :]
thank you very much you guys who volunteered :D
joxin,hedy,beth,keyou,minyen,jennifer,gi jun,vince,luwee,becca,and jess.
sorry if i accidently missed out anyone. :S
edit; oh & sarah from amber just volunteered to join so yep 12ishh people now? :D
its good because, THE MORE THE MERRIER :D
be colorful people! (;
& edit again; anna volunteered to join too! YAY! so many people! :D
meeeeet in s3ruby first before heading to the field.
thank you all :D
& edit agaaaaain!; theresa volunteered to join too!
so um.. 14 people now? wow. you guys really gotta stick to each other & jump :S but it'll be good! :D thanks once again fr volunteering ppl! :D
The Secondary 3s of Shanghai Singapore International proudly presents to you "Reveries", a collection of poems and short stories by our very own Secondary 3 classmates. The book features elaborate, beautifully hand drawn illustrations by Ke You, Gi Jun and Jessica; and featuring professional photography by Hansika.
Sneak Peek:
I'm Yours by Ting Ke You
As the sun starts to set,
As it starts to get cold,
Like when we first met,
You shivered in my hold.
As the cool breeze stirred the sand,
I pulled u closerand reached for ur hand,
You leaned upon my shoulder
and gave me a glance
.... ...
Want to read the complete poem? Order your book now by commenting under this note. Price to be confirmed in due time. Whether your from Singapore, Brazil, Malaysia, Taiwan, wherever place you stay, you may order a copy and you will receive the book within a month or two^. Profits made from the book will be donated to charity.This Saturday, take a trip to Elite Villa, Gao Jing Road for the Spring Festival and International market. We will have a both there, selling a variety of items, mainly foods. Do come down to SSIS for the May Festival and purchase homemade delicacies and on 30 Apri as welll, during Lunchtime for fun and games and homemade delights for fund raising to help us publish the book. All profits from selling the book and extra profits made from the fund raisig event will be donated to charity. Please note that this is tentative and date may change without prior notice.
We thank all of you for your support and all those who help in one way or another! Nothing without Labour! ;)
Yours Sincerely,
Reveries Committee
^Terms and Conditions applied. Book can only be delivered to you via Reveries member.
Event 1: International Market and Spring Culture Festival
Venue: Elite Villa, Gao Jing Road (Katrina's Compound)
Time: 25 April, 3pm - 5pm
Information: We will be selling homemade delicacies, mostly pastries like Cookies and Cheese Cakes. Profits made from this event will be used for publishing the Reveries Book, all extra profits made will go to charity (To be announced). Do come down to Elite Villa and bring some cash along with you for special treats! It's an event you won't want to miss, as there are other booths as well, selling a variety of stuff.
Event 2: Reveries Fund Raising
Venue: Shanghai Singapore International School, Field
Time: 1 May, Lunchtime (To be confirmed)
Information: Why at the field? Well, we will be having soccer and softball tournament for Sec 2s and 3s and also to anyone else who would like to join in the fun. Booths will be set up there as we will sell professionally homemade food items such as the delicious COOKIES and more!!! Bring along sufficient money to buy stuff! Oh and also, we have earrings for sale! Cool eh?!
Event 3: SSIS May Festival?
Venue: Shanghai Singapore International School, Exact Location to be confirmed
Time: TBA
Information: Parents, Teachers, Students will be touring the school, of course,you guys wouldn't want to go hungry right? We have the best homemade cookies available to satisfy your hunger! Sushi available too!!!
Meeting on 23rd April, Thursday 12:15pm sharp @ S3 Ruby Classroom
Reveries Committee Models involved inthe photo shoot with Hansika and Hansika, you will attend the meeting at 12:25 sharp. Be on time. This is regarding the fund-raising event which is very urgent. Volunteers please come too!!!
Appointed Treasurer for Event 1 will be Elizabeth, responsible for the income of the day and also, the cost of the ingredients. Keep it safe in a box or something. Thanks!
The Secondary 3s of Shanghai Singapore International proudly presents to you "Reveries", a collection of poems and short stories by our very own Secondary 3 classmates. The book features elaborate, beautifully hand drawn illustrations by Ke You, Gi Jun and Jessica; and featuring professional photography by Hansika.
Sneak Peek:
I'm Yours by Ting Ke You
As the sun starts to set,
As it starts to get cold,
Like when we first met,
You shivered in my hold.
As the cool breeze stirred the sand,
I pulled u closerand reached for ur hand,
You leaned upon my shoulder
and gave me a glance
.... ...
Want to read the complete poem? Order your book now by commenting under this note. Price to be confirmed in due time. Whether your from Singapore, Brazil, Malaysia, Taiwan, wherever place you stay, you may order a copy and you will receive the book within a month or two^. Profits made from the book will be donated to charity.This Saturday, take a trip to Elite Villa, Gao Jing Road for the Spring Festival and International market. We will have a both there, selling a variety of items, mainly foods. Do come down to SSIS for the May Festival and purchase homemade delicacies and on 30 Apri as welll, during Lunchtime for fun and games and homemade delights for fund raising to help us publish the book. All profits from selling the book and extra profits made from the fund raisig event will be donated to charity. Please note that this is tentative and date may change without prior notice.
We thank all of you for your support and all those who help in one way or another! Nothing without Labour! ;)
Yours Sincerely,
Reveries Committee
^Terms and Conditions applied. Book can only be delivered to you via Reveries member.
Event 1: International Market and Spring Culture Festival
Venue: Elite Villa, Gao Jing Road (Katrina's Compound)
Time: 25 April, 3pm - 5pm
Information: We will be selling homemade delicacies, mostly pastries like Cookies and Cheese Cakes. Profits made from this event will be used for publishing the Reveries Book, all extra profits made will go to charity (To be announced). Do come down to Elite Villa and bring some cash along with you for special treats! It's an event you won't want to miss, as there are other booths as well, selling a variety of stuff.
Event 2: Reveries Fund Raising
Venue: Shanghai Singapore International School, Field
Time: 1 May, Lunchtime (To be confirmed)
Information: Why at the field? Well, we will be having soccer and softball tournament for Sec 2s and 3s and also to anyone else who would like to join in the fun. Booths will be set up there as we will sell professionally homemade food items such as the delicious COOKIES and more!!! Bring along sufficient money to buy stuff! Oh and also, we have earrings for sale! Cool eh?!
Event 3: SSIS May Festival?
Venue: Shanghai Singapore International School, Exact Location to be confirmed
Time: TBA
Information: Parents, Teachers, Students will be touring the school, of course,you guys wouldn't want to go hungry right? We have the best homemade cookies available to satisfy your hunger! Sushi available too!!!
Meeting on 23rd April, Thursday 12:15pm sharp @ S3 Ruby Classroom
Reveries Committee Models involved inthe photo shoot with Hansika and Hansika, you will attend the meeting at 12:25 sharp. Be on time. This is regarding the fund-raising event which is very urgent. Volunteers please come too!!!
Appointed Treasurer for Event 1 will be Elizabeth, responsible for the income of the day and also, the cost of the ingredients. Keep it safe in a box or something. Thanks!
hApPY eArTH DAy!!!
It's Earth Day today! Let's all play a part in keeping Earth sustainable for us biological creatures by reducing our ecological footprint. Start by doing simple things such as switching off the lights when not in use and don't on the computer or else you'll start procrastinating, unless you are doing real work... =D and the most basic thing we all know: 3Rs... stands for 3 Ruby and also stands for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reduce the amount of paper you use, the water we use etc. Reuse our paper so that it will not go to waste and Recycle paper and plastics by throwing them into the recycling bin. =D
Homework of the Day 22/4
A Math TB Exercise 4E Qns 6b - 6d; Qns 7, 8 Exercise 4F Qns 2h - 2i; Qns 3, 4, 7
Math Trigo Test next Wednesday
A Math TB Exercise 4E Qns 6b - 6d; Qns 7, 8 Exercise 4F Qns 2h - 2i; Qns 3, 4, 7
Math Trigo Test next Wednesday
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
5 people required for this happy jumping photo for one of the photographs of one of the poems in the reveries.
anyone interested let hansika know.
you need to be happy while jumping :D
thank you very much
let hansika know ASAP if your interested to model for it
please be nice and model for it
if no one lets her know by tomorrow... she will do lucky dip or something like that and choose 5 people! hah.
thank you thank you.
Oliver Twist - The Musical
Gi Jun is planning to go for the musical, brought to you by the TNT Theatre Group who brought to us the entertaining Romeo and Juliet. Cheapest seat is 200RMB, interested may go with Gi Jun to have a night out... ... Perhaps a candlelight dinner at Cotton's once more?
Homework of the Day 21/4
Chem Essay and E-Learning Quizzes
English sentence making and review of play and mime performance thingy
That's all.
Anna will be put in charge for the fund raising event planned - Jess will be in charge of sports games; Beth and Becca and GiJun will prepare foods. This is to fund the book publication. Total printing cost range is confidential and only REVERIES MEMBER know about it. Ask ANNA or JESSICA or ME for th cost. Please submit a receipt ($$$) for the ingredients you buy so the profit we earn will be dedicated to what we used.
Tomorrow PC period we will discuss more on that...
Order the Reveries book now! We will reserve a book specially for you. If you want to make an order, please comment under this post. Students/Teachers not in SSIS may make the purchase via any Reveries Member you know of. Cash payment only. Price to be revealed in due time. Other info please refer to my Facebook Note. =P
Chem Essay and E-Learning Quizzes
English sentence making and review of play and mime performance thingy
That's all.
Anna will be put in charge for the fund raising event planned - Jess will be in charge of sports games; Beth and Becca and GiJun will prepare foods. This is to fund the book publication. Total printing cost range is confidential and only REVERIES MEMBER know about it. Ask ANNA or JESSICA or ME for th cost. Please submit a receipt ($$$) for the ingredients you buy so the profit we earn will be dedicated to what we used.
Tomorrow PC period we will discuss more on that...
Order the Reveries book now! We will reserve a book specially for you. If you want to make an order, please comment under this post. Students/Teachers not in SSIS may make the purchase via any Reveries Member you know of. Cash payment only. Price to be revealed in due time. Other info please refer to my Facebook Note. =P
Monday, April 20, 2009
Homework of the Day 20/4
PE - Get into 3 ppl per grp for Gymnatics thingy...
Physics - Go to Sc Lab on Thursday to continue experiment before he X-PLODE...
Well, generally no homework, unless you have Chinese homeowork xP
Submit Report Book tomorrow to Ke You/Mr Ng... whoever lah...
REVERIES: Hansika, Ke You, Gi Jun and Jessica
Email have been sent to you as a reminder and to give you some info... Due tomorrow 7pm.
and people, see Ms Hamida tomorrow lunch, we will meet at S3 Ruby first before proceeding.
PE - Get into 3 ppl per grp for Gymnatics thingy...
Physics - Go to Sc Lab on Thursday to continue experiment before he X-PLODE...
Well, generally no homework, unless you have Chinese homeowork xP
Submit Report Book tomorrow to Ke You/Mr Ng... whoever lah...
REVERIES: Hansika, Ke You, Gi Jun and Jessica
Email have been sent to you as a reminder and to give you some info... Due tomorrow 7pm.
and people, see Ms Hamida tomorrow lunch, we will meet at S3 Ruby first before proceeding.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Reveries Schedule
Phase 1: Poem Selection (Complete)
Phase 2: Poem Editing Part 1 (Complete)
Phase 3: Cover Design (Complete)
Phase 4: Cover Selection (Complete)
We are 4/14 done and we are rushing for April 30 Dateline (Up to Phase 11)
In Progress/Commencing Soon:
Phase 5: Illustration and Photography (IN PROGRESS) Done by Sunday 19/4
Phase 6: Cover Editing Done by Saturday 25/4
Phase 7: Poem Editing Part 2 (COMMENCING SOON) Done by Sunday 26/4
Phase 8: Compiling to PDF format (COMMENCING SOON) Done by Monday 27/4
Phase 9: Publishing Part 1 (DISCUSSION ON TUESDAY)
Phase 10: Fund Raising for Publishing
Phase 11: Publishing Part 2
Phase 12: Promotion for book
Phase 13: Selling of book
Phase 14: Community Service using Profit
No more extensions of dateline or else we will not complete the book in time. Volunteers who would like to help in any part of the project (from Phase 10, 12, 13, 14) please contact Wei Cheng, Anna, Hansika, Elizabeth or Jessica.
REVERIES COMMITTEE: Please keep any Reveries document confidential e.g. illustrations, photography, edited poems. Anyone who leak any of the documents on the Internet will be pulverized.
Programs used for this project: Microsoft Office Publisher 2007, Adobe Reader 9.0, Photoshop CS3/CS4, Microsoft Office Word 2007... ...
Phase 1: Poem Selection (Complete)
Phase 2: Poem Editing Part 1 (Complete)
Phase 3: Cover Design (Complete)
Phase 4: Cover Selection (Complete)
We are 4/14 done and we are rushing for April 30 Dateline (Up to Phase 11)
In Progress/Commencing Soon:
Phase 5: Illustration and Photography (IN PROGRESS) Done by Sunday 19/4
Phase 6: Cover Editing Done by Saturday 25/4
Phase 7: Poem Editing Part 2 (COMMENCING SOON) Done by Sunday 26/4
Phase 8: Compiling to PDF format (COMMENCING SOON) Done by Monday 27/4
Phase 9: Publishing Part 1 (DISCUSSION ON TUESDAY)
Phase 10: Fund Raising for Publishing
Phase 11: Publishing Part 2
Phase 12: Promotion for book
Phase 13: Selling of book
Phase 14: Community Service using Profit
No more extensions of dateline or else we will not complete the book in time. Volunteers who would like to help in any part of the project (from Phase 10, 12, 13, 14) please contact Wei Cheng, Anna, Hansika, Elizabeth or Jessica.
REVERIES COMMITTEE: Please keep any Reveries document confidential e.g. illustrations, photography, edited poems. Anyone who leak any of the documents on the Internet will be pulverized.
Programs used for this project: Microsoft Office Publisher 2007, Adobe Reader 9.0, Photoshop CS3/CS4, Microsoft Office Word 2007... ...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Illustrations due TODAY 5pm - inform beforehand if not finished
Photography due (latest) TUESDAY 5pm (Due to Laptop Hitch and Glitch)
Photography due (latest) TUESDAY 5pm (Due to Laptop Hitch and Glitch)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Homework of the Day 17/4 // URGENT REVERIES UPDATE
English Poem worksheet
IT Calendar Project: If you require the task sheet (3 in total), you may contact anyone with the task sheet so you will not be disadvantaged. By next week, investigate the printing company and printing paper material.
Geography Internet Qns: David Suzuki message, Needs and Wants, Conventional Potato, due Tuesday.
Math test postponed by a week to 29/4.
REVERIES URGENT UPDATE (From the email sent, feat. BONUS message)
To REVERIES Committee:
First of all: Welcome Gi Jun for joining the Reveries Committee as an illustrator and thank you Min Yen for your help. (BONUS: And also a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL MODELS FOR THE PHOTO SHOOT. YOU GUYS/GALS WERE FABULOUS! =]
Secondly - Illustrations and Photography: Hansika will work on the photo editing and send to me by SATURDAY, 17 April 2009. Ke You, please get your illustrations scanned to me on SATURDAY as well. Jessica and Gi Jun: Both of you have new poems to illustrate. Please open up the attached file (Highlighted ones are the poems to illustrate, with regards on who to draw what, you may refer to the bracketed name or decide between you two). This is to be done by SATURDAY as well, before 12am as this is really urgent. Inform me beforehand if you cannot finish all 23 poems but please try your very best to complete them. To MIN YEN, thanks for your help, please scan the drawings to me on SATURDAY as well. You will be credited for what yu all hae done. If you have an official signatur for your artwork, you may add them into the art piece. Photographs may have the copyright sign.
Thirdly - On Tuesday, some of us will go and see Ms Hamida to ask her about whether the school work with a printing company or something since she is in charge of the yearbook. We will also ask about the printing paper quality etc. Compulsory people who must be present: Me, Jessica, Hansika, Ke You/ Gi Jun/ Sung Jun. The others who express interest may come with us. We will visit the staff room to see Ms Hamida. We will discuss what to do after that. We will meet at 12:10pm.
(BONUS: Reveries Member coming along with us will get to ask about the printing company for our IT Project as well)
Fourthly - Following Elizabeth's suggestion, we will be raising funds to publish our book. We will not be granted the USD$1000 fund as I do not wish to disturb my tutor and she made not mention about it, probably because she was too busy. We can use a variety of ways to be funded and we may try to ask the school to fund us as well.
We have to get all the above done before 30 April. We will publish BY 30 APRIL. We will then carry out our promotion in the first week of May and sell the book. I estimated that we may sell 100-200 books, there are people expressing interest to order the book... or rather person... Christina would like to make an order. Please cooperate, thank you.
Yours seriously,
Wei Cheng
PS: Hansika will do the cover by SUNDAY. The final decision made will be the cover with the polarid camera and our pictures.
RANDOMNESS: Be sure to catch Ashley Tisdale's new Music Video, it's alright it's okay, this coming Tuesday... haha... dont mind me... =P
English Poem worksheet
IT Calendar Project: If you require the task sheet (3 in total), you may contact anyone with the task sheet so you will not be disadvantaged. By next week, investigate the printing company and printing paper material.
Geography Internet Qns: David Suzuki message, Needs and Wants, Conventional Potato, due Tuesday.
Math test postponed by a week to 29/4.
REVERIES URGENT UPDATE (From the email sent, feat. BONUS message)
To REVERIES Committee:
First of all: Welcome Gi Jun for joining the Reveries Committee as an illustrator and thank you Min Yen for your help. (BONUS: And also a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL MODELS FOR THE PHOTO SHOOT. YOU GUYS/GALS WERE FABULOUS! =]
Secondly - Illustrations and Photography: Hansika will work on the photo editing and send to me by SATURDAY, 17 April 2009. Ke You, please get your illustrations scanned to me on SATURDAY as well. Jessica and Gi Jun: Both of you have new poems to illustrate. Please open up the attached file (Highlighted ones are the poems to illustrate, with regards on who to draw what, you may refer to the bracketed name or decide between you two). This is to be done by SATURDAY as well, before 12am as this is really urgent. Inform me beforehand if you cannot finish all 23 poems but please try your very best to complete them. To MIN YEN, thanks for your help, please scan the drawings to me on SATURDAY as well. You will be credited for what yu all hae done. If you have an official signatur for your artwork, you may add them into the art piece. Photographs may have the copyright sign.
Thirdly - On Tuesday, some of us will go and see Ms Hamida to ask her about whether the school work with a printing company or something since she is in charge of the yearbook. We will also ask about the printing paper quality etc. Compulsory people who must be present: Me, Jessica, Hansika, Ke You/ Gi Jun/ Sung Jun. The others who express interest may come with us. We will visit the staff room to see Ms Hamida. We will discuss what to do after that. We will meet at 12:10pm.
(BONUS: Reveries Member coming along with us will get to ask about the printing company for our IT Project as well)
Fourthly - Following Elizabeth's suggestion, we will be raising funds to publish our book. We will not be granted the USD$1000 fund as I do not wish to disturb my tutor and she made not mention about it, probably because she was too busy. We can use a variety of ways to be funded and we may try to ask the school to fund us as well.
We have to get all the above done before 30 April. We will publish BY 30 APRIL. We will then carry out our promotion in the first week of May and sell the book. I estimated that we may sell 100-200 books, there are people expressing interest to order the book... or rather person... Christina would like to make an order. Please cooperate, thank you.
Yours seriously,
Wei Cheng
PS: Hansika will do the cover by SUNDAY. The final decision made will be the cover with the polarid camera and our pictures.
RANDOMNESS: Be sure to catch Ashley Tisdale's new Music Video, it's alright it's okay, this coming Tuesday... haha... dont mind me... =P
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Homework of the Day 16/4
Bio Worksheet due Monday
Chemistry Essay and E-Learning Quizzes
DRAMA STUDENTS ONLY: Drama: Reflection
Reveries URGENT Update:
KeYou + Hansika: Check your inbox for the URGENT email.
Bio Worksheet due Monday
Chemistry Essay and E-Learning Quizzes
DRAMA STUDENTS ONLY: Drama: Reflection
Reveries URGENT Update:
KeYou + Hansika: Check your inbox for the URGENT email.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Homework of the Day 15/4
Homework (with Updates for the week so far):
English News Report + Headline + Essay
PE Test next Monday
Bio Test tomorrow
Math Logarithm Exercise 4E Qns 4
History Presentations + Test (Coming Soon)
Physics Qns due tomorrow
Biology Worksheet due Monday
Math Trigo test next Wednesday
Research for Logarithms relationship with Earthquake.
New stuff on http://www.mrtyrrell.com/!
Hansika: Photos by Saturday and please give me Natsuko's poem, it's due a month ago or so... or else you shall be pulverized...
Ke You: Illustrations given to me by Friday or scan to me by Saturday or else you'll be pulverized as well...
If the task are done, you will be rewarded with something special... =]
English News Report + Headline + Essay
PE Test next Monday
Bio Test tomorrow
Math Logarithm Exercise 4E Qns 4
History Presentations + Test (Coming Soon)
Physics Qns due tomorrow
Biology Worksheet due Monday
Math Trigo test next Wednesday
Research for Logarithms relationship with Earthquake.
New stuff on http://www.mrtyrrell.com/!
Hansika: Photos by Saturday and please give me Natsuko's poem, it's due a month ago or so... or else you shall be pulverized...
Ke You: Illustrations given to me by Friday or scan to me by Saturday or else you'll be pulverized as well...
If the task are done, you will be rewarded with something special... =]
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Homework of the Day 14/4
No homework today but if you did not finish History PPT, finish it up, it's due tomorrow.
An email have been sent to you regarding the Softball PDF Notes. The test is postponed to Monday, please go down to the steps outside th gym, bringing along a pen.
PS. God bless Mr Tyrrell's Grandma to be well!!!
No homework today but if you did not finish History PPT, finish it up, it's due tomorrow.
An email have been sent to you regarding the Softball PDF Notes. The test is postponed to Monday, please go down to the steps outside th gym, bringing along a pen.
PS. God bless Mr Tyrrell's Grandma to be well!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
10 Dreams Explained...
Life may be just a dream, but how do we interpret it? What we dream at night can give us clues about what is important to us in waking life. Dreams help us to process our conscious thoughts and can give us new and important insights into the problems and challenges we face in the world. Although we may have strange and unusual dreams, there are a number of common dreams that many of us experience over and over again.
Read the interpretations below for an explanation of symbols that seem to appear frequently in dreams.
1. Faulty or lost items: your phone won't work, your car breaks down, or you can't find your husband.
This dream is alerting you to areas of your life that need repair or extra care right now. You may want to slow down and pay more attention to the realm of life indicated. For example, if you dream of your phone not working, notice how you are communicating to others now. Are you doing everything you can to get your message across in a positive way? If not, you may want to tune up this area of your life.
2. Money: you received a windfall, or you lost your savings in the stock market.
Money in dreams symbolizes what you value or find important in life. If you dream of suddenly receiving a sum of money, this indicates that you are at a time in your life when your values are becoming very clear to you. If you have dreams of losing money, you may be experiencing a time of feeling separated from your sense of meaning in life. Try to explore what has been important to you in the past to see if your values have changed or altered over time.
3. You find yourself back in the classroom, or you've failed a test.
This dream indicates that there is a challenge in your life and you fear failing. It also can mean that you may feel that you have regressed in some way and are not up to the task currently at hand. You may also feel judged or tested by an authority figure or someone who is in charge of you in some way.
4. You or a loved one is ill or dying.
You may be approaching a time of great change when some parts of your life are falling away and disappearing. This dream is helping you to practice the feelings of loss that you may be having as the elements of your life or your relationships with others change and evolve. It is rare that this dream forecasts an actual death or illness, but it still might be a good idea to get a checkup or pay extra attention to your health now.
5. Being chased.
Being chased in a dream indicates that you may be feeling you have a lot of responsibilities that you are having a hard time keeping up with. This dream is often known as a "stress dream," indicating that its presence is a sign to try to relax and slow down.
6. Teeth: you're smiling with nice, clean teeth, or your teeth are breaking off or forming cavities.
Teeth represent time, stability, and maturity. The state of the teeth in your dream will give important clues as to what your relationships and feelings are related to these important life themes.
7. Nudity.
Dreams where you or someone else appears nude relate to feelings of being exposed or vulnerable in waking life. You may currently be having an experience where everyone else seems to know about your problems and issues, and you are having a hard time processing your situation privately.
8. Falling, flying, or sinking.
Changing direction, either going up or down in a dream, indicates where your awareness is in waking life. Dreams of falling or sinking symbolize a time of being more aware of your unconscious mind and deepest innermost thoughts, feelings, and memories. Dreams of flying indicate that you are exploring your conscious mind at this time or connecting to the realm of spirits, angels, and other energetic beings.
9. Water
Water in dreams is a sign that a certain emotional situation or experience is of importance in your life. Now is a good time to pay particular attention to your feelings and the realm of the imagination, dreams, and fantasies. The condition or state of the water will give clues as to the exact nature of your experience. Hurricanes and storms can indicate more challenging emotional situations, and on the opposite side, gentle streams and lakes indicate a more calm and peaceful emotional state or even a love or romantic connection.
10. Missing a boat, plane, bus, etc.
Transportation vehicles in dreams symbolize the ability to move and act in the world. They represent our will, desire, and skill at accomplishing and manifesting our dreams and goals. When one of these vehicles is missing, it can mean that we are having a hard time finding the motivation to act and move in the world. We may need to reconnect with what drives or propels us into creatively manifesting our dreams.
Developing the skill to interpret and make the most of your dream messages is an easy and enjoyable process and can be done by just about anyone.
Quick Tips to Interpret and Benefit from Your Dreams:
1. Keep a dream journal near your bed to record your dreams.
2. Read through your journal once a week and underline repeating dream symbols, terms, people, and themes that arise.
3. Use the guide above to track your current emotional state and life issues, and notice the patterns and timing of their evolution.
4. Try to identify any dream symbols (cars, teeth, water) that appear in your waking life, noticing which appear with greater frequency and the nature of your interaction with these symbols.
Is there any overlap between your waking and dreaming life?
From MSN.com/astrology
Read the interpretations below for an explanation of symbols that seem to appear frequently in dreams.
1. Faulty or lost items: your phone won't work, your car breaks down, or you can't find your husband.
This dream is alerting you to areas of your life that need repair or extra care right now. You may want to slow down and pay more attention to the realm of life indicated. For example, if you dream of your phone not working, notice how you are communicating to others now. Are you doing everything you can to get your message across in a positive way? If not, you may want to tune up this area of your life.
2. Money: you received a windfall, or you lost your savings in the stock market.
Money in dreams symbolizes what you value or find important in life. If you dream of suddenly receiving a sum of money, this indicates that you are at a time in your life when your values are becoming very clear to you. If you have dreams of losing money, you may be experiencing a time of feeling separated from your sense of meaning in life. Try to explore what has been important to you in the past to see if your values have changed or altered over time.
3. You find yourself back in the classroom, or you've failed a test.
This dream indicates that there is a challenge in your life and you fear failing. It also can mean that you may feel that you have regressed in some way and are not up to the task currently at hand. You may also feel judged or tested by an authority figure or someone who is in charge of you in some way.
4. You or a loved one is ill or dying.
You may be approaching a time of great change when some parts of your life are falling away and disappearing. This dream is helping you to practice the feelings of loss that you may be having as the elements of your life or your relationships with others change and evolve. It is rare that this dream forecasts an actual death or illness, but it still might be a good idea to get a checkup or pay extra attention to your health now.
5. Being chased.
Being chased in a dream indicates that you may be feeling you have a lot of responsibilities that you are having a hard time keeping up with. This dream is often known as a "stress dream," indicating that its presence is a sign to try to relax and slow down.
6. Teeth: you're smiling with nice, clean teeth, or your teeth are breaking off or forming cavities.
Teeth represent time, stability, and maturity. The state of the teeth in your dream will give important clues as to what your relationships and feelings are related to these important life themes.
7. Nudity.
Dreams where you or someone else appears nude relate to feelings of being exposed or vulnerable in waking life. You may currently be having an experience where everyone else seems to know about your problems and issues, and you are having a hard time processing your situation privately.
8. Falling, flying, or sinking.
Changing direction, either going up or down in a dream, indicates where your awareness is in waking life. Dreams of falling or sinking symbolize a time of being more aware of your unconscious mind and deepest innermost thoughts, feelings, and memories. Dreams of flying indicate that you are exploring your conscious mind at this time or connecting to the realm of spirits, angels, and other energetic beings.
9. Water
Water in dreams is a sign that a certain emotional situation or experience is of importance in your life. Now is a good time to pay particular attention to your feelings and the realm of the imagination, dreams, and fantasies. The condition or state of the water will give clues as to the exact nature of your experience. Hurricanes and storms can indicate more challenging emotional situations, and on the opposite side, gentle streams and lakes indicate a more calm and peaceful emotional state or even a love or romantic connection.
10. Missing a boat, plane, bus, etc.
Transportation vehicles in dreams symbolize the ability to move and act in the world. They represent our will, desire, and skill at accomplishing and manifesting our dreams and goals. When one of these vehicles is missing, it can mean that we are having a hard time finding the motivation to act and move in the world. We may need to reconnect with what drives or propels us into creatively manifesting our dreams.
Developing the skill to interpret and make the most of your dream messages is an easy and enjoyable process and can be done by just about anyone.
Quick Tips to Interpret and Benefit from Your Dreams:
1. Keep a dream journal near your bed to record your dreams.
2. Read through your journal once a week and underline repeating dream symbols, terms, people, and themes that arise.
3. Use the guide above to track your current emotional state and life issues, and notice the patterns and timing of their evolution.
4. Try to identify any dream symbols (cars, teeth, water) that appear in your waking life, noticing which appear with greater frequency and the nature of your interaction with these symbols.
Is there any overlap between your waking and dreaming life?
From MSN.com/astrology
Homework of the Day 13/4
Happy Teacher's Day and Happy Easter Day (Belated) =]
History Project due Wednesday
Physics Question due Thursday
Bio Worksheet due Monday
Physics and Biology Test on Thursday (For Physics Test, Mr Llyod said we won't have Phyiscs test but whether it was a joke or not... we dont know...)
PE Theory test on Softball on Wednesday
Figure out the secret message on http://www.mrtyrrell.com/ yet? hohoho...
Also, new stuff are added onto http://www.mrtyrrell.com/! Check them out!
History Project due Wednesday
Physics Question due Thursday
Bio Worksheet due Monday
Physics and Biology Test on Thursday (For Physics Test, Mr Llyod said we won't have Phyiscs test but whether it was a joke or not... we dont know...)
PE Theory test on Softball on Wednesday
Figure out the secret message on http://www.mrtyrrell.com/ yet? hohoho...
Also, new stuff are added onto http://www.mrtyrrell.com/! Check them out!
Thought you knew everything about Facebook, didn’t you? Here is how to take your Facebook account to the next level.
So you signed up for Facebook, added friends and photos, joined a few groups, and updated your profile status. But now what? Isn't there more to Facebook? There is.
Here are 10 tips to tweak your profile and get more out of Facebook. These tips go beyond the typical and include ways to stay better connected to your friends and look good doing it. To compile this list, I searched high and low and even called on Facebook for the best tips. Most are easy to do and all will add some Facebook pizzazz to your profile.
Tip 1
Dig up demographic dirt on your friends with Socialistics: If you want to know the demographic breakdown on your Facebook universe of friends, this application does a nice job at breaking it down. Socialistics can show you information about your friends' ages, the languages they speak, their country of origin and lots of other interesting information all within Facebook.
Socialistics data do not show up on your profile pages and you are not able to share Socialistics information with your Facebook Friends through your Wall. However, if you want to take a look at the trends for your personal network, then add Socialistics to your profile and you can access it privately.
Tip 2
Power search tips: Just like Google and other search engines, Facebook has some built-in power search tools and terms to help you find people. Want to search your Facebook network or friends list, but you want to narrow the results to fall within an age range? Just enter a term using the "name," "y1" and "y2" search filters. For example, I wanted to find my buddy Colin from college, but I can’t remember how old he is. To find him, I just entered in “name: Colin Bauer y1: 25 y2: 40” and voilà! The search string asked Facebook to look for people named Colin Bauer between the ages of 25 and 40.
You can also use two search terms at once by dividing the terms with the "pipe character" (), which pipe is found on the same key as the backslash.
If you want people to find you easily when they search, fill out your profile as much as you can. That way your profile interests -- music, books, movies and so on -- will move you closer to the top of Facebook search results for those keywords. Check out Facebook's help page for more handy search terms.
Tip 3
Integrate Facebook information with Gmail: The Firefox add-on called Xoopit is designed to streamline browsing and sharing of files, photos and videos with friends on other social networks via Google's Gmail service. One of Xoopit's handy features (seldom touted) lets you see who among your e-mail contacts is a Facebook member and displays their profile photos and status updates. The Xoopit add-on also lets you update your status inside Gmail via a nifty little Xoopit box that integrates into the Gmail interface.
Here is a Xoopit video that walks you through how it works.
Tip 4
Personalize your Facebook URL: SocialToo allows you to create a custom domain for your Facebook profile page such as username.socialtoo.com. This allows you to share your Facebook site with other people without requiring them to search for you on Facebook to find your profile. Granted, you might have to explain to your friends that even though Facebook.com isn't in the Web address, it still takes you to your Facebook page. The domain is much easier to remember than an eight-digit profile ID.
Signing up with SocialToo is quick and free. You can set up your Facebook settings under “preferences” on SocialToo’s Web site. Just remember to choose your SocialToo username wisely.
Another way to create a custom domain for your Facebook page is go to your profile page in Facebook and copy the Web address that appears in your browser's address bar. Then head over to Tiny.cc. Now paste your Facebook profile Web address in Tiny.cc's "Enter a long URL you want to make tiny" form field. Directly to the right you'll see a Custom option. Here you can create a custom URL that follows the convention http://tiny.cc/username.
Tip 5
Hack your profile photo: Want to juice up your profile photo? Check out AllFacebook.com's "5 Creative Ways to Hack Your Facebook Profile Photo." You'll learn how to maximize your picture size to 200 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, and how to create some neat effects like making it look like you're hanging off your profile Wall.
In my tests, the specifications for this effect took some careful tweaking, but the payoff was worth it. If you're handy with a photo editor, this will be easy for you. If you don’t have Photoshop, you're going to need to get yourself a photo editing program to take advantage of this hack. There are plenty of good, free photo editing programs to get the job done, such as such as Paint.Net. You'll find more free photo editing software at PC World's Download section.
Tip 6
Put Facebook Chat in your browser sidebar: Is Facebook your main IM tool? You can place it in your browser's sidebar. For my tests I used Firefox, but this also works in Opera. In Firefox, just go to Bookmarks, Organize Bookmarks and click on Bookmarks Toolbar. Select New Bookmark, and name it Facebook Chat. Then paste in this URL: http://www.facebook.com/presence/popout.php. Make sure you've selected "Load this bookmark in the sidebar" and hit Save. Now you're ready to go. Sorry IE fans -- this is not for you; however, you can paste the URL into a new browser tab if you like.
Tip 7
Get back the old Facebook look (more or less): Ever feel constrained by the Facebook layout and look? You can actually change the look of your Facebook page with some tinkering and a little help from a Firefox add-on called Greasemonkey, which allows you to use Java Scripts to change the Facebook look. The only catch is the new look is something only you can see -- your Facebook friends see the same old Facebook page. Once you’ve added Greasemonkey to Facebook, visit Greasemonkey’s companion site UserScripts.org and browse dozens of layout options for your Facebook page. Click Install on the new Facebook layout you want and let Greasemonkey take care of the rest.
A word of warning: Before you go nuts downloading Facebook layouts like crazy, be careful. Greasemonkey scripts for changing your Facebook layout use JavaScript. JavaScripts can be malicious and harm your PC if created by a sloppy or crooked coder. Scripts on UserScripts.org can be submitted by anyone and are not reviewed by Greasemonkey. Before you download a new Facebook layout, check out the user reviews and exercise caution before installing.
That being said, here are a few of my favorites:
Remove Facebook Clutter: This is a close approximation of Facebook's previous look and feel. This hides the filters on the left side of the "stream" and the "highlights" section, and takes away the rounded corners on profile photos.
Facebook Color Changer: Pick a color scheme and change your FB colors. This script used to let you change the Facebook icon on the top left of the screen as well, and the developer promises this feature will be back.
Facebook Twitter Style: Have you heard how Twitter supposedly inspired Facebook’s new look and feel? Why not take this concept to its logical conclusion and view your Facebook home page as if it really were Twitter?
Tip 8
Upload mobile photos or videos straight to your profile: Just took a great picture or video with your cell phone and want to post it on your profile right away? Set up your profile settings to allow mobile uploads.
Go to the Mobile tab under your Facebook account tab and set up your phone to send photos to your Facebook page directly from you mobile phone. A word of caution if you set up Facebook to do this. Take heed of your Facebook mobile settings and adjust them properly.
When Facebook Mobile is activated, you also let Facebook send text messages to your phone for those sending you friend requests, e-mail messages, Wall posts and status updates. That could become an astonishing text-message bill if you’re not careful. This feature is available only in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.
Tip 9
Tweet your status: This is one of my personal favorites. Adding the Twitter Facebook application to your Facebook profile gives you the option to turn your Tweets into your Facebook status updates. Not only that, but Twitter is smart enough filter out @replies so that personal messages don’t end up on your profile.
Tip 10
Use these third-party apps: There are many Facebook third-party apps that help you keep tabs on your Facebook friends. Some are bare-bones, while others give you more in-depth information. Here are the ones I like the best that will give you the biggest bang for your buck (actually they are all free).
Digsby (Windows only): Digsby is a nifty little Facebook app that sits in your PC's system tray and can pull in Facebook Chat and other IM accounts, e-mail alerts and Facebook updates from your network of friends.
Facebook Desktop Client (Windows only): Delivers notifications like friend requests, Wall posts, view messages and get status updates.
MyFacebook (Vista): This widget adds your Facebook information right on your Windows Vista desktop sidebar. With this little app you can, "change your status, see your friends’ statuses, groups, notifications, albums and events."
Facebook Dashboard Widget (Mac): Similar to Windows Facebook Desktop, this widget will notify you of friend requests, messages, pokes and group and event invitations.
Facebook Exporter for iPhoto (Mac): If you don’t plan on buying iLife ’09, but loved the idea of posting photos directly from iPhoto, then this plug-in is for you. Pick or create a new album, tag your friends and add captions right from iPhoto and then send your work straight to your Facebook profile.
So those are my 10 Facebook power tips to take your Facebook time wasting to the next level. Try them out and let me know what you think. And if you've got other tips, post them in the comment field and share.
Content by:
BUT remember... don't use Facebook too often ;)
Thought you knew everything about Facebook, didn’t you? Here is how to take your Facebook account to the next level.
So you signed up for Facebook, added friends and photos, joined a few groups, and updated your profile status. But now what? Isn't there more to Facebook? There is.
Here are 10 tips to tweak your profile and get more out of Facebook. These tips go beyond the typical and include ways to stay better connected to your friends and look good doing it. To compile this list, I searched high and low and even called on Facebook for the best tips. Most are easy to do and all will add some Facebook pizzazz to your profile.
Tip 1
Dig up demographic dirt on your friends with Socialistics: If you want to know the demographic breakdown on your Facebook universe of friends, this application does a nice job at breaking it down. Socialistics can show you information about your friends' ages, the languages they speak, their country of origin and lots of other interesting information all within Facebook.
Socialistics data do not show up on your profile pages and you are not able to share Socialistics information with your Facebook Friends through your Wall. However, if you want to take a look at the trends for your personal network, then add Socialistics to your profile and you can access it privately.
Tip 2
Power search tips: Just like Google and other search engines, Facebook has some built-in power search tools and terms to help you find people. Want to search your Facebook network or friends list, but you want to narrow the results to fall within an age range? Just enter a term using the "name," "y1" and "y2" search filters. For example, I wanted to find my buddy Colin from college, but I can’t remember how old he is. To find him, I just entered in “name: Colin Bauer y1: 25 y2: 40” and voilà! The search string asked Facebook to look for people named Colin Bauer between the ages of 25 and 40.
You can also use two search terms at once by dividing the terms with the "pipe character" (), which pipe is found on the same key as the backslash.
If you want people to find you easily when they search, fill out your profile as much as you can. That way your profile interests -- music, books, movies and so on -- will move you closer to the top of Facebook search results for those keywords. Check out Facebook's help page for more handy search terms.
Tip 3
Integrate Facebook information with Gmail: The Firefox add-on called Xoopit is designed to streamline browsing and sharing of files, photos and videos with friends on other social networks via Google's Gmail service. One of Xoopit's handy features (seldom touted) lets you see who among your e-mail contacts is a Facebook member and displays their profile photos and status updates. The Xoopit add-on also lets you update your status inside Gmail via a nifty little Xoopit box that integrates into the Gmail interface.
Here is a Xoopit video that walks you through how it works.
Tip 4
Personalize your Facebook URL: SocialToo allows you to create a custom domain for your Facebook profile page such as username.socialtoo.com. This allows you to share your Facebook site with other people without requiring them to search for you on Facebook to find your profile. Granted, you might have to explain to your friends that even though Facebook.com isn't in the Web address, it still takes you to your Facebook page. The domain is much easier to remember than an eight-digit profile ID.
Signing up with SocialToo is quick and free. You can set up your Facebook settings under “preferences” on SocialToo’s Web site. Just remember to choose your SocialToo username wisely.
Another way to create a custom domain for your Facebook page is go to your profile page in Facebook and copy the Web address that appears in your browser's address bar. Then head over to Tiny.cc. Now paste your Facebook profile Web address in Tiny.cc's "Enter a long URL you want to make tiny" form field. Directly to the right you'll see a Custom option. Here you can create a custom URL that follows the convention http://tiny.cc/username.
Tip 5
Hack your profile photo: Want to juice up your profile photo? Check out AllFacebook.com's "5 Creative Ways to Hack Your Facebook Profile Photo." You'll learn how to maximize your picture size to 200 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, and how to create some neat effects like making it look like you're hanging off your profile Wall.
In my tests, the specifications for this effect took some careful tweaking, but the payoff was worth it. If you're handy with a photo editor, this will be easy for you. If you don’t have Photoshop, you're going to need to get yourself a photo editing program to take advantage of this hack. There are plenty of good, free photo editing programs to get the job done, such as such as Paint.Net. You'll find more free photo editing software at PC World's Download section.
Tip 6
Put Facebook Chat in your browser sidebar: Is Facebook your main IM tool? You can place it in your browser's sidebar. For my tests I used Firefox, but this also works in Opera. In Firefox, just go to Bookmarks, Organize Bookmarks and click on Bookmarks Toolbar. Select New Bookmark, and name it Facebook Chat. Then paste in this URL: http://www.facebook.com/presence/popout.php. Make sure you've selected "Load this bookmark in the sidebar" and hit Save. Now you're ready to go. Sorry IE fans -- this is not for you; however, you can paste the URL into a new browser tab if you like.
Tip 7
Get back the old Facebook look (more or less): Ever feel constrained by the Facebook layout and look? You can actually change the look of your Facebook page with some tinkering and a little help from a Firefox add-on called Greasemonkey, which allows you to use Java Scripts to change the Facebook look. The only catch is the new look is something only you can see -- your Facebook friends see the same old Facebook page. Once you’ve added Greasemonkey to Facebook, visit Greasemonkey’s companion site UserScripts.org and browse dozens of layout options for your Facebook page. Click Install on the new Facebook layout you want and let Greasemonkey take care of the rest.
A word of warning: Before you go nuts downloading Facebook layouts like crazy, be careful. Greasemonkey scripts for changing your Facebook layout use JavaScript. JavaScripts can be malicious and harm your PC if created by a sloppy or crooked coder. Scripts on UserScripts.org can be submitted by anyone and are not reviewed by Greasemonkey. Before you download a new Facebook layout, check out the user reviews and exercise caution before installing.
That being said, here are a few of my favorites:
Remove Facebook Clutter: This is a close approximation of Facebook's previous look and feel. This hides the filters on the left side of the "stream" and the "highlights" section, and takes away the rounded corners on profile photos.
Facebook Color Changer: Pick a color scheme and change your FB colors. This script used to let you change the Facebook icon on the top left of the screen as well, and the developer promises this feature will be back.
Facebook Twitter Style: Have you heard how Twitter supposedly inspired Facebook’s new look and feel? Why not take this concept to its logical conclusion and view your Facebook home page as if it really were Twitter?
Tip 8
Upload mobile photos or videos straight to your profile: Just took a great picture or video with your cell phone and want to post it on your profile right away? Set up your profile settings to allow mobile uploads.
Go to the Mobile tab under your Facebook account tab and set up your phone to send photos to your Facebook page directly from you mobile phone. A word of caution if you set up Facebook to do this. Take heed of your Facebook mobile settings and adjust them properly.
When Facebook Mobile is activated, you also let Facebook send text messages to your phone for those sending you friend requests, e-mail messages, Wall posts and status updates. That could become an astonishing text-message bill if you’re not careful. This feature is available only in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.
Tip 9
Tweet your status: This is one of my personal favorites. Adding the Twitter Facebook application to your Facebook profile gives you the option to turn your Tweets into your Facebook status updates. Not only that, but Twitter is smart enough filter out @replies so that personal messages don’t end up on your profile.
Tip 10
Use these third-party apps: There are many Facebook third-party apps that help you keep tabs on your Facebook friends. Some are bare-bones, while others give you more in-depth information. Here are the ones I like the best that will give you the biggest bang for your buck (actually they are all free).
Digsby (Windows only): Digsby is a nifty little Facebook app that sits in your PC's system tray and can pull in Facebook Chat and other IM accounts, e-mail alerts and Facebook updates from your network of friends.
Facebook Desktop Client (Windows only): Delivers notifications like friend requests, Wall posts, view messages and get status updates.
MyFacebook (Vista): This widget adds your Facebook information right on your Windows Vista desktop sidebar. With this little app you can, "change your status, see your friends’ statuses, groups, notifications, albums and events."
Facebook Dashboard Widget (Mac): Similar to Windows Facebook Desktop, this widget will notify you of friend requests, messages, pokes and group and event invitations.
Facebook Exporter for iPhoto (Mac): If you don’t plan on buying iLife ’09, but loved the idea of posting photos directly from iPhoto, then this plug-in is for you. Pick or create a new album, tag your friends and add captions right from iPhoto and then send your work straight to your Facebook profile.
So those are my 10 Facebook power tips to take your Facebook time wasting to the next level. Try them out and let me know what you think. And if you've got other tips, post them in the comment field and share.
Content by:
BUT remember... don't use Facebook too often ;)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Homework of the Day 10/4
A traveller comes to a fork in the road and does not know how to get to his destination. 2 men are at the fork in the road. 1 of them always tells the truth, and the other one always lies. He may ask the men only one question to find his way. Enigma: What question does the man ask these men?
Give up? Wanna know the answer? Go to http://www.mrtyrrell.com/ now!
IT: Calendar project coming soon...
Geography: Research to answer the worksheet on http://www.mrtyrrell.com/
English Reflection for Romeo and Juliet: Do you like/dislike it? Why and explain.
English Romeo and Juliet trip to watch the show next Friday:
From Ms Johnson to parents:
On 17/4/2009 (Friday evening) I am taking 16 of the Sec 3 Ruby students to the theatre to watch Romeo and Juliet. I have arranged a bus to take us there after school at 3.30 pm. I will allow the students to change into mufti during the last period ( my class). We will stop at Cottons (near Anfu Road) for an early dinner. Please let your child have about rmb$100/- for the dinner.They can order food for less than rmb$50 too.The reason we are leaving after school is in anticipation of the horrendous jam of a Friday evening.If we arrive early, I will take them to an art gallery near Anfu road for some art appreciation.The bus will pick us up after the show (around 9.30 pm) and drop them at Gubei as well as back to SSIS.
Please let me know if you do not need the transport from school and back to Gubei/SSIS.
Give up? Wanna know the answer? Go to http://www.mrtyrrell.com/ now!
IT: Calendar project coming soon...
Geography: Research to answer the worksheet on http://www.mrtyrrell.com/
English Reflection for Romeo and Juliet: Do you like/dislike it? Why and explain.
English Romeo and Juliet trip to watch the show next Friday:
From Ms Johnson to parents:
On 17/4/2009 (Friday evening) I am taking 16 of the Sec 3 Ruby students to the theatre to watch Romeo and Juliet. I have arranged a bus to take us there after school at 3.30 pm. I will allow the students to change into mufti during the last period ( my class). We will stop at Cottons (near Anfu Road) for an early dinner. Please let your child have about rmb$100/- for the dinner.They can order food for less than rmb$50 too.The reason we are leaving after school is in anticipation of the horrendous jam of a Friday evening.If we arrive early, I will take them to an art gallery near Anfu road for some art appreciation.The bus will pick us up after the show (around 9.30 pm) and drop them at Gubei as well as back to SSIS.
Please let me know if you do not need the transport from school and back to Gubei/SSIS.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Homework of the Day 9/4
Chemistry model due tomorrow except KeYou's group due Monday.
Download new Geography worksheet from www.mrtyrrell.com
... and Models for the Reveries photo shoot please contact Hansika a.s.a.p. Ty.
Chemistry model due tomorrow except KeYou's group due Monday.
Download new Geography worksheet from www.mrtyrrell.com
... and Models for the Reveries photo shoot please contact Hansika a.s.a.p. Ty.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Reveries Models
the following people please meet hansika tomorrow and ask her what you need to do as the model for the pictures in the reveries:
Sung Jun
and also, any volunteers for a jumping picture needed...
more details ask hansika
all this stuff is for the reveries!
thank you :D
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Homework of the Day after QingMing
Geography Abiotic Changes due next lesson
Chemistry project due on Thursday with the exception of Ke You's Group, which will be due on Friday or Monday (depending) as we have 2 models to do =.=
English Project (Wei Cheng's Group due 14/4 and Vince's Group due the next lesson after 14/4)
History project due Next Wednesday
History test tomorrow (refer to previous post for topics to study)
Biology test this Thursday (refer to previous post for topics to study)
Physics test the coming Monday (whatever we learnt in thermal physics will be tested)
Reminder to Drama students: Performance is on this Thursday.
Reveries: In order for publishing to be carried out as soon as possible, please get all the work you are suppose to finish by this Saturday. We will compile our book together in PDF format the following week. Other matters will be settled as soon as compilation is finished. This is very urgent, we seek all editors/illustrators/photographers' 110% cooperation. Thank you. Order of the Reveries book will be announced as soon as the book is published.
Geography Abiotic Changes due next lesson
Chemistry project due on Thursday with the exception of Ke You's Group, which will be due on Friday or Monday (depending) as we have 2 models to do =.=
English Project (Wei Cheng's Group due 14/4 and Vince's Group due the next lesson after 14/4)
History project due Next Wednesday
History test tomorrow (refer to previous post for topics to study)
Biology test this Thursday (refer to previous post for topics to study)
Physics test the coming Monday (whatever we learnt in thermal physics will be tested)
Reminder to Drama students: Performance is on this Thursday.
Reveries: In order for publishing to be carried out as soon as possible, please get all the work you are suppose to finish by this Saturday. We will compile our book together in PDF format the following week. Other matters will be settled as soon as compilation is finished. This is very urgent, we seek all editors/illustrators/photographers' 110% cooperation. Thank you. Order of the Reveries book will be announced as soon as the book is published.
Friday, April 3, 2009
New S3 Ruby Sister Site Created
http://s3rubyssis.weebly.com/ is solely dedicated for our S3 Ruby memories, like a photo album, except you can submit poems, stories etc. Let our achievment be reflected to everyone! Similar to Reveries Online Blog, poems and short stories will be featured. This site is run by Jessica Karim and all works you intend to put up may be submitted to Jessica. See the website for more details. Cheers!
Note: Site still under construction. =p
Note: Site still under construction. =p
Homework of the Day 3/4
1)English Vocabulary Making Sentences: 1)Absolved 2)Truce 3)Dirges 4)Vial
2)History Test: Revise p126-137 of Textbook: Need to know -
How did Hitler's foreign policy make things worse?
-Points of Nazi policy which affcted foreign policy
-Step by Step
-The Berlin Olympics
-Nazi Expansion (N.B. the map)
-The Munich Agreement
-What happened after Munich?
-Which side would the USSR support?
Comment on the Origin Purpose Value and Limitation of a gien source. Remember your "Purges essay" and the accompanying hand-out.
1)English Vocabulary Making Sentences: 1)Absolved 2)Truce 3)Dirges 4)Vial
2)History Test: Revise p126-137 of Textbook: Need to know -
How did Hitler's foreign policy make things worse?
-Points of Nazi policy which affcted foreign policy
-Step by Step
-The Berlin Olympics
-Nazi Expansion (N.B. the map)
-The Munich Agreement
-What happened after Munich?
-Which side would the USSR support?
Comment on the Origin Purpose Value and Limitation of a gien source. Remember your "Purges essay" and the accompanying hand-out.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Homework of the Day 2/4
Chem Project due on Thursday
Biology Test on Thursday: Anaerobic Respiration; Yeast; Fermentation; Bread/Beer Making
Chem Project due on Thursday
Biology Test on Thursday: Anaerobic Respiration; Yeast; Fermentation; Bread/Beer Making
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Conficker virus could steal your personal data on April Fool's
By Nick Lewis, Calgary Herald
April 1, 2009 7:25 AM
Ironically, in a conscious bid to rid their computers of the dastardly April Fool's Day Conficker virus, some people may have unwittingly installed it.
TheConfickerCInternetwormis a malicious computer virus that burrows into your hard drive--and was due to begin hatching its nefarious plans Tuesday night at midnight.
The virus was launched in October 2008, and has since infected an estimated 12 million Windowsbased PCs via unreliable websites and downloads.
As the virus moves into its second phase today, it gives an outside user control of the hijacked machine, and there is fear your private information could be stolen.
Only six per cent of all infected computers are in North America, researchers at IBM's Internet Security Systems said Tuesday, while the majority, 45 per cent, exist in Asia. But with so much interest in Conficker in the western world, its creators have found a new viral marketing campaign to keep it alive.
Software security vendor Symantec, publishers of the popular Norton Antivirus, released a report Tuesday that says people were more susceptible to download a copy of the virus simply by searching for "Conficker" in Google. The search brings up 3.2 million mentions of the worm on the Internet, some of them hoax websites that actually host the virus and infect any users who surf those sites.
"Be careful with the links you follow," the company warned in a news release. "A sincere effort of keeping abreast with the latest security information might contain some unwelcome surprises."
The news doesn't come as a surprise to Stuart Crawford, vice-president of Calgary IT firm Bulletproof Infotech.
"The Internet is a minefield and you have to know where to step," he said. "We'd like to remind people to only rely on trusted sites."
The first real computer virus scare in years has also been attracting a cottage industry of online scam artists, dubious cyber criminals who are selling alleged removal tools for the virus that promise a lot and do nothing. Some even infect the PC with more malware.
"Bad guys will try to take advantage of any crisis, whether it's a natural catastropheorConficker striking,"said John Aycock, an associate professor in the computer science department at the University of Calgary. "So in that respect, this isn't surprising."
The computers infected with Conficker are scheduled to move into a new phase today, April 1, when the worm will seek new instructions.
What those instructions are has been relatively unknown to leading computer experts. In a worst-case scenario, the worm could take over your machine and steal all your personal data. On the other hand, optimists say this could all be one of the most elaborate April Fool's Day hoaxes ever.
"We don't know what those instructions are, and in all likelihood, nothing is going to happen,"Aycock said.
The worm, one that's been difficult to identify and remove, has been one of the most sophisticated and potentially dangerous that many in the information security business have faced. It exploits weaknesses in the Windows operating system and conceals itself on a hard drive, laying dormant until midnight this morning, when it was expected to search out its originator and seek further instructions.
To hide its tracks and protect its creators, the virus generates a list of tens of thousands of URLs or domain names, any one of which could be its central command centre. Until it is dismantled, Conficker will generate 50,000 brand new URLs a day and will search for 500 of those names on a daily basis, according to security vendor Websense Inc.
Apple Macintosh and Linux users aren't affected, since Conficker only attacks PCs running Windows. Unfortunately, that means nine out of every 10 computers in the world could be a carrier.
"This was designed to hit as many people as it possibly could,"Crawford said.
The virus is most likely to strike the untold thousands, millions perhaps, that are running pirated versions of Windows on their machines.Because they acquired the software illicitly, they are unlikely to update it through Microsoft's official patches.
"If you don't have an official copy of Windows or you're unable to update, you're potentially at risk," Aycock said. "But if you're running antivirus software, it should be able to spot Conficker now."
Most commercial antivirus software firms have released updates to combat Conficker, and the U. S. Department of Homeland Security has made a free removal tool available on its website.
If you fear your computer is hosting theConfickerCvirus, Crawford suggested trying to navigate to popular antivirus sites such as Norton.com and McAfee. com and McAfee.com. The newest versions of Conficker disable your ability to log onto these sites. If you're unable to visit these sites, you're ad-vised to take your computer to an IT expert as soon as possible.
Microsoft Corp is offering a $250,000 reward for information leading to the capture and conviction of Conficker's creators, though the culprits behind these types of cybercrimes are rarely found.
"The grim reality is that catching the bad guys behind this, unless they make a massive slip-up, is next to zero," Aycock said. "They could be anywhere in the world."
It's also likely that Conficker's creators have been scared off by all the media attention they've garnered, the professor said, at least for now.
"It's entirely possible that the bad guys don't really know what to do with all this firepower they've amassed,"he said. "But these are people who have a high level of technical skill and a fair bit of motivation, so it may be likely that Conficker won't be the last we'll hear from them."
As for the Conficker worm itself, it likely isn't going anywhere. Aycock said given the history of computer viruses, it's more likely that Microsoft will have to learn to work around it rather than disable it altogether.
April Fool NEWS: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10209054-93.html
By Nick Lewis, Calgary Herald
April 1, 2009 7:25 AM
Ironically, in a conscious bid to rid their computers of the dastardly April Fool's Day Conficker virus, some people may have unwittingly installed it.
TheConfickerCInternetwormis a malicious computer virus that burrows into your hard drive--and was due to begin hatching its nefarious plans Tuesday night at midnight.
The virus was launched in October 2008, and has since infected an estimated 12 million Windowsbased PCs via unreliable websites and downloads.
As the virus moves into its second phase today, it gives an outside user control of the hijacked machine, and there is fear your private information could be stolen.
Only six per cent of all infected computers are in North America, researchers at IBM's Internet Security Systems said Tuesday, while the majority, 45 per cent, exist in Asia. But with so much interest in Conficker in the western world, its creators have found a new viral marketing campaign to keep it alive.
Software security vendor Symantec, publishers of the popular Norton Antivirus, released a report Tuesday that says people were more susceptible to download a copy of the virus simply by searching for "Conficker" in Google. The search brings up 3.2 million mentions of the worm on the Internet, some of them hoax websites that actually host the virus and infect any users who surf those sites.
"Be careful with the links you follow," the company warned in a news release. "A sincere effort of keeping abreast with the latest security information might contain some unwelcome surprises."
The news doesn't come as a surprise to Stuart Crawford, vice-president of Calgary IT firm Bulletproof Infotech.
"The Internet is a minefield and you have to know where to step," he said. "We'd like to remind people to only rely on trusted sites."
The first real computer virus scare in years has also been attracting a cottage industry of online scam artists, dubious cyber criminals who are selling alleged removal tools for the virus that promise a lot and do nothing. Some even infect the PC with more malware.
"Bad guys will try to take advantage of any crisis, whether it's a natural catastropheorConficker striking,"said John Aycock, an associate professor in the computer science department at the University of Calgary. "So in that respect, this isn't surprising."
The computers infected with Conficker are scheduled to move into a new phase today, April 1, when the worm will seek new instructions.
What those instructions are has been relatively unknown to leading computer experts. In a worst-case scenario, the worm could take over your machine and steal all your personal data. On the other hand, optimists say this could all be one of the most elaborate April Fool's Day hoaxes ever.
"We don't know what those instructions are, and in all likelihood, nothing is going to happen,"Aycock said.
The worm, one that's been difficult to identify and remove, has been one of the most sophisticated and potentially dangerous that many in the information security business have faced. It exploits weaknesses in the Windows operating system and conceals itself on a hard drive, laying dormant until midnight this morning, when it was expected to search out its originator and seek further instructions.
To hide its tracks and protect its creators, the virus generates a list of tens of thousands of URLs or domain names, any one of which could be its central command centre. Until it is dismantled, Conficker will generate 50,000 brand new URLs a day and will search for 500 of those names on a daily basis, according to security vendor Websense Inc.
Apple Macintosh and Linux users aren't affected, since Conficker only attacks PCs running Windows. Unfortunately, that means nine out of every 10 computers in the world could be a carrier.
"This was designed to hit as many people as it possibly could,"Crawford said.
The virus is most likely to strike the untold thousands, millions perhaps, that are running pirated versions of Windows on their machines.Because they acquired the software illicitly, they are unlikely to update it through Microsoft's official patches.
"If you don't have an official copy of Windows or you're unable to update, you're potentially at risk," Aycock said. "But if you're running antivirus software, it should be able to spot Conficker now."
Most commercial antivirus software firms have released updates to combat Conficker, and the U. S. Department of Homeland Security has made a free removal tool available on its website.
If you fear your computer is hosting theConfickerCvirus, Crawford suggested trying to navigate to popular antivirus sites such as Norton.com and McAfee. com and McAfee.com. The newest versions of Conficker disable your ability to log onto these sites. If you're unable to visit these sites, you're ad-vised to take your computer to an IT expert as soon as possible.
Microsoft Corp is offering a $250,000 reward for information leading to the capture and conviction of Conficker's creators, though the culprits behind these types of cybercrimes are rarely found.
"The grim reality is that catching the bad guys behind this, unless they make a massive slip-up, is next to zero," Aycock said. "They could be anywhere in the world."
It's also likely that Conficker's creators have been scared off by all the media attention they've garnered, the professor said, at least for now.
"It's entirely possible that the bad guys don't really know what to do with all this firepower they've amassed,"he said. "But these are people who have a high level of technical skill and a fair bit of motivation, so it may be likely that Conficker won't be the last we'll hear from them."
As for the Conficker worm itself, it likely isn't going anywhere. Aycock said given the history of computer viruses, it's more likely that Microsoft will have to learn to work around it rather than disable it altogether.
April Fool NEWS: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10209054-93.html
Homework of the Day on April Fool's
Bring Chemistry materials tomorrow for the project on the different cycles. Styrofoam will be provided my Ms. Fong.
Bring Chemistry materials tomorrow for the project on the different cycles. Styrofoam will be provided my Ms. Fong.
Biology Test tomorrow
Our class have been volunteered to act out a spoof on SSIS teachers
Histrory Test next week
Try Google Chrome now with new 3D Technology! http://www.google.com/intl/en/landing/chrome/cadie/
Music Promotionz